Scalable solving of boundary element methods utilizing the Green cross approximation method and GPUs
This project is maintained by Bennet Carstensen
To receive a data-sparse approximation of a discretized matrix, which is both fast and reliable, applying cross approximation to the matrix directly would lead either to high runtime complexity of full pivoting or to potentially unreliable results of for example heurisitc pivoting strategies and error estimators.
For this reason, in a first step, we use Green’s second identity to gain a degenerate approximation of the kernel function and thus a -matrix representation of the Galerkin discretization [1].
Let , be a Lipschitz domain and be harmonic in . Green’s second identity (cf., e.g. [11, Theorem 2.2.2]) states
with denoting the directional derivative in with regard to , and still denoting a fundamental solution of the negative Laplace operator .
Since the function is harmonic for any , replacing with results in
We pay particular attention to the right-hand side, where the variables and no longer appear together as arguments of and . If and are sufficiently far from the boundary , the integrals are smooth [1]. This way, we can approximate the integrals by a quadrature rule. Denoting the quadrature weights by and the corresponding quadrature points by , , and , , we can approximate Green’s second identity with
Since this is a degenerate approximation of the kernel function, approximating the Galerkin discretization leads to a hierarchical matrix.
In the interest of ensuring uniform convergence of the approximation, we have to choose a suitable admissiblity condition which ensures that and are sufficiently far from the boundary . One approach relies on bounding boxes: for a given cluster , we construct an axis-parallel box
containing the supports of all basis functions corresponding to the indices in such that
Given a cluster , we define the diameter and distance of a bounding box to a vector with regard to the maximum norm
This way, the farfield
describes the space in where each is sufficiently far away from each for the approximation to converge, thus describing our admissiblity condition: a block is admissible if is in the farfield of , i.e., if holds true.
Now we apply Green’s second identity to the domain given by
We represent with regard to the reference cube , using the affine mapping
which leads to the affine parametrizations
of the boundary with
being the parameter domain for one side of the boundary such that
We approximate the integral on the right side by a tensor quadrature formula: let , the points and the weights of the one-dimensional -point Gauss quadrature formula for the reference interval [-1, 1]. Defining
introduces us to the tensor quadrature formula
Applying this formula to all surfaces of yields
Using this quadrature formula on the approximation of Green’s second identity yields
where denotes the outer normal vector of the face of .
Be an admissible block given, replacing the kernel function with results in a low-rank approximation
Important to note is the fact that solely depends on and not on . This will allow us to extend this construction to a -matrix later on.
Remark (Axis-parallel bouding boxes and directional derivatives) In our case, is still an axis-parallel box. As a result, we can describe the outer normal vectors with
This way, we can reduce the directional derivative to a scaled partial derivative in the -th component of : . This will change the entries of the low-rank approximation as follwoing:
An applications with a more complex kernel function might consider this method to save evaluations of the derivatives. Yet, one restricts themself to a specific kind of bouding boxes. Since the fundamental solution of the negative Laplace operator is rather simple to evaluate and since we are using the implementation of the BEM-Modules of the H2Lib, we continue with the method using the directional derivative.
The BEM-Modules are available for 2D- and 3D-Problems