My master thesis

Scalable solving of boundary element methods utilizing the Green cross approximation method and GPUs

This project is maintained by Bennet Carstensen


_greencross Struct Reference

Main container object for performing the Green cross approximation method. More...

#include <greencross.h>

Data Fields

void * geom
 Geometry of the problem. More...
uint dim
 Dimension of the problem. More...
uint n
 Number of basis functions. More...
uint * idx
 Index set. More...
uint nq
 Quadrature order for regular integrals. More...
preal zq
 Quadrature points in \([-1,1]\) for regular integrals. More...
preal wq
 Quadrature weights for regular integrals. More...
void * sq
 Quadrature for singular integrals based on q, zq and @ wq. More...
uint ng
 Approximation order / quadrature order for Green's formula. More...
preal zg
 Quadrature points in \([-1,1]\) for Green's formula. More...
preal wg
 Quadrature weights for Green's formula. More...
uint K
 Local rank of approximated submatrices. More...
ph2matrix h2
real(* kernel_function )(const field *x, const field *y, const uint dim)
 Kernel function describing the problem. More...
real(* pdx_kernel_function )(const field *x, const field *y, const uint dim, const uint i)
 Partial derivative of the kernel function describing the problem in the i-th component of x. More...
real(* pdy_kernel_function )(const field *x, const field *y, const uint dim, const uint i)
 Partial derivative of the kernel function describing the problem in the i-th component of y. More...

Detailed Description

Main container object for performing the Green cross approximation method.

Field Documentation

◆ dim

uint _greencross::dim

Dimension of the problem.

◆ geom

void* _greencross::geom

Geometry of the problem.

◆ h2

ph2matrix _greencross::h2

◆ idx

uint* _greencross::idx

Index set.

◆ K

uint _greencross::K

Local rank of approximated submatrices.

◆ kernel_function

real(* _greencross::kernel_function) (const field *x, const field *y, const uint dim)

Kernel function describing the problem.

◆ n

uint _greencross::n

Number of basis functions.

◆ ng

uint _greencross::ng

Approximation order / quadrature order for Green's formula.

◆ nq

uint _greencross::nq

Quadrature order for regular integrals.

◆ pdx_kernel_function

real(* _greencross::pdx_kernel_function) (const field *x, const field *y, const uint dim, const uint i)

Partial derivative of the kernel function describing the problem in the i-th component of x.

◆ pdy_kernel_function

real(* _greencross::pdy_kernel_function) (const field *x, const field *y, const uint dim, const uint i)

Partial derivative of the kernel function describing the problem in the i-th component of y.

◆ sq

void* _greencross::sq

Quadrature for singular integrals based on q, zq and @ wq.

◆ wg

preal _greencross::wg

Quadrature weights for Green's formula.

◆ wq

preal _greencross::wq

Quadrature weights for regular integrals.

◆ zg

preal _greencross::zg

Quadrature points in \([-1,1]\) for Green's formula.

◆ zq

preal _greencross::zq

Quadrature points in \([-1,1]\) for regular integrals.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: