My master thesis

Scalable solving of boundary element methods utilizing the Green cross approximation method and GPUs

This project is maintained by Bennet Carstensen

Aug 24, 2017 by Bennet Carstensen •
GCA Part 2 - Hybrid approximation

With the adaptive cross approximation we have a capable tool for creating low-rank approximation of arbitary matrices, thus saving memory storage and computation time [4, 5]. We are going to use this method to reduce the rank of the left factor of the

approximation of Green’s second identity , and K given like in the post mentioned before, and construct an approximation

with . Embedding this approximation in Green’s second identity leaves us with

In other words, we have reduced the rank of the approximation of Green’s second identity from to [1].

Going a step further, we can avoid computing the matrx entirely by again using algebraic interpolation [1]: for , the projection property yields

With this approach, we can provide the matrices during a setup phase. Since those matrices rely exlusivly on which in turn solely relies on the cluster , this phase needs a rather small amount of the global computation time.

After preparing the matrices, we approximate by computing the pivot rows and estimating a through solving the linear system

or displayed as a matrix multiplaction with

resulting in a low-rank approximation

To summarize, we rely alone on the left factor of the adaptive cross approximation and the corresponding row pivot indices which in turn rely exlusivly on the left factor of Green’s second identity and of course the cluster . We can discarde or approximate the other factors and accordingly, thus saving computation time during the construction of the -matrix.